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Peyronie’s Treatment Program

Peyronie’s disease (PD) is named after a French surgeon by the name of Francois Gigot de la Peyronie who first documented the condition in 1743.
What is Peyronie’s disease?
Today, studies estimate that between 6% to 10% of men suffer from PD, with the majority of those men between the ages of 40 and 60. Many experts believe that the actual number is significantly higher than reported, affecting a more significant percentage of the male population. Since many men prefer not to talk about the condition, it is difficult to ascertain the actual number. Regardless of the number, the consequences for men afflicted with PD can have a significant impact on their quality of life. In fact, studies of men suffering from PD have shown that over 75% have reported adverse psychological effects caused by the condition.

PD is a condition in which the buildup of plaque, or scar tissue, causes the penis to curve and lose length or girth. During an erection, the penis can curve up, down or to the side, depending on the location of the plaque buildup. Some men with this condition do not have an actual curve in their penis during an erection, but rather an indentation or “hourglass” shape. PD can cause erectile dysfunction by preventing the blood trapping valves in the penis from trapping the blood needed to maintain an erection. In some cases, the plaque buildup can lead to uncomfortable erections, as well as painful sexual intercourse that can make it difficult or nearly impossible to have sex.

How Does the Penis Work?
There are three tubes inside the penis that allows it to perform its main functions of carrying urine and sperm. The urethra carries urine from the bladder through the penis during urination while two parallel tubes called the corpora cavernosa contain tissues that fill up with blood during an erection. All three tubes are encased in a fibrous membrane known as the tunica albuginea . During sexual activity, blood trapped in the corpora cavernosa makes the penis firm enough for intercourse. Following an orgasm, semen travels through the urethra resulting in ejaculation (see Figure 2). 

What are the stages of Peyronie’s disease?
There are two stages of PD: acute and chronic. The acute phase is the first phase and can last anywhere between six to twelve months. During this stage, plaque develops in the tunica albuginea of the penis causing its shape to change and most commonly result in its curvature. In this state, most men will encounter varying degrees of pain in the penis, whether it is flaccid or erect.

With the onset of the chronic phase, the plaque begins to stop its growth and the shape of the curvature in the penis settles. At this point, some men will no longer feel pain while some will only feel pain during an erection. It is during this phase that erectile dysfunction (ED) will begin with most men having problems achieving and maintaining erections. The general rule with PD is that the greater the curvature, the more difficult it will be to have sex.

What CAUSES Peyronie’s Disease?
There are a number of causes of PD making it difficult to pinpoint the actual culprit. Some studies suggest that an injury to the penis, such as being bent while it is erect during sexual activity, could cause the onset of plaque to form, while some credit much more subtle injuries over a period of time. To complicate matters even more, some men may be able to sustain not only subtle, but also significant, injuries to the penis and never develop PD. In surveys of men suffering from PD, roughly 80% cannot recall a particular event that may have caused it. This makes identifying the cause particularly difficult.

In addition to physical injury, studies have shown a linkage between some health, genetic and lifestyle issues may be the root cause.

Systemic Vascular Diseases: hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes
Genetic Predisposition: family history of Dupuytren contracture
Lifestyle Issues: smoking tobacco products and alcohol use

Although these health, genetic and lifestyle issues have also been linked to PD, how these conditions initiate the cause of PD is still unknown. Those afflicted with PD will likely have the following symptoms:

​• Penile curvature with or without an erection
• Pain during an erection or while having sexual intercourse
• Problems with penetration during sex
• Hard lumps on the top, bottom, or sides of the penis
• Shortening or narrowing of the penis
• Soft erections
• Erectile Dysfunction

TREATMENT FOR Peyronie’s Disease?
PD is commonly treated with medications, injections, radiation therapy, vacuum devices or surgery. At Kane Health, we recognize that the symptoms and severity associated with PD can affect each man differently. We have developed a Peyronie’s Treatment Program that is a comprehensive, multifocal program. Our program is holistic, noninvasive, and highly personalized, designed to help men regain normal sexual function. Our personalized medicine philosophy means that Dr. Threatt takes a hands-on, individualized approach to addressing your unique PD symptoms to ensure you have the best possible results. Our innovative program involves proprietary medications, micro-dosed to your personal body chemistry, paired with sound wave therapy to break down the curvature causing plaque and stimulate the growth of new blood vessels, along with regenerative therapies to regenerate cells and accelerate healing. Our comprehensive program is designed to address all the factors that have contributed to the onset of your PD symptoms in an effective and relatively painless way. In many cases our patients experience complete relief from PD symptoms.
What can I expect?
At Kane Health, we take a holistic and very personalized perspective to helping men regain healthy sexual function during their course of PD treatment. In our Peyronie’s Treatment Program, Dr. Threatt personally oversees the treatment of each one of our program patients. With over 20 years of practice as a urologist who not only specializes in men’s health, Dr. Threatt has also personally treated hundreds of PD cases over the span of his extensive career. Not only do our patients benefit from his extraordinary experience and expertise, but from his caring nature and the extensive time, attention and personal connection he is able to provide to each one of our patients in our personalized medicine framework.​

Our personalized medicine philosophy means that we will work with you proactively and collaboratively, allowing Dr. Threatt to make real time adjustments, calibrating your treatment based on your body’s response to our innovative treatments. PD patients see some level of sexual function improvement within two to three weeks. To ensure each patient experiences quantifiable results, we use psychometrically validated questionnaires prescribed at precise intervals. This allows us to not only monitor the subjective improvements, but also use scientifically validated questionnaires to measure progress throughout the course of treatment and adjust our approach to ensure you have the best possible results. Why live another day with the painful symptoms of PD? Reach out to us today. 
Kane Health

Men's Health, Men’s Sexual Health Physicians, Concierge Medicine, Low Testosterone Specialists & Functional & Integrative Medicines in Redwood City, CA