
I Haven't Changed My Diet: Is Low Testosterone Causing My Weight Gain?

Mar 02, 2024
A testosterone deficiency could be to blame if you haven’t changed your diet or lifestyle but are gaining weight. Learn how weight gain and “low T” are linked and what you can do. Read on to learn more.

If your clothes fit snugger than they used to and your lifestyle hasn’t changed, a drop in testosterone may be at play — especially if you’re middle-aged or older. Known as the “male sex hormone,” testosterone is important in your overall health. And it can influence your weight and physique in multiple ways. 

Our experts at Kane Health, serving the Silicon Valley, Redwood City, and the San Francisco Bay area of California, provide testosterone therapy for candidates to improve their health and quality of life. 

Let’s take a closer look at testosterone, including ways low levels can contribute to undesired weight gain.

The role of testosterone

Testosterone is a tiny chemical messenger that significantly impacts your wellness. And while many people associate testosterone with sexual function, its helpfulness goes beyond the bedroom. 

Before birth, testosterone allows the penis and testicles to develop. During puberty, increased testosterone production fuels a deeper voice and the appearance of public hair. Testosterone also plays an essential role in bone growth, strength, and size throughout your life.

During arousal and sex, testosterone makes way for erections. It can also influence your level of sexual desire — not only for physical reasons but for emotional ones, given its impact on emotional balance and moods. 

Low testosterone and weight gain

Low testosterone, also known as “low T,” can lead to added pounds in several ways. Normal testosterone levels allow you to build and maintain muscle mass, which burns more calories than fatty tissue. So if you continue eating and exercising the same amount yet lose muscle mass because of low T, your weight will likely creep upward. 

Low testosterone also commonly causes fatigue and energy decline, which can easily lead to reduced exercise time or intensity. That can also cause weight gain. 


Furthermore, obesity is linked with low testosterone levels. So, if you’ve been overweight for some time, low testosterone may be to blame – regardless of any diet changes.

How testosterone therapy helps

Testosterone therapy, also known as testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), restores normal levels of the hormone. At Kane Health, we offer TRT through a range of delivery methods, including: 

  • Implantable pellets, placed under your skin every 3-6 months
  • Intramuscular injections, placed in the muscles of your buttocks or thighs every 1-4 weeks 
  • Gels or creams, which you apply daily to your abdomen, arms, or shoulders
  • Testosterone patches, which you apply daily to your abdomen, arms, back, or buttocks

Our team personalizes your testosterone treatment based on the severity of your deficiency, preferences, and overall health and lifestyle. Dr. Threatt will walk you through your ideal options and monitor your progress once your therapy begins. 

As your testosterone levels improve, you can expect adverse related effects to diminish, including any added pounds. Our patients often report feeling more energized, revitalized, and more like themselves after successful TRT. 

To learn more about low testosterone and weight changes or get started with customized care, call our office or request an appointment through our website today.