
What Holistic Approaches Can Improve My Cognitive Health?

Aug 15, 2024
If you want to improve your cognitive health, a holistic approach is your best bet. Here’s a look at what it entails. Keep reading to learn more!

Cognitive health is an important part of wellness and well-being. It includes your abilities to think, learn, and remember and can change throughout your life. 

A holistic approach to improving your cognitive health takes into account not only your brain but also your body, lifestyle, goals, and preferences. 

Our experts at Kane Health, serving the Silicon Valley, Redwood City, and the San Francisco Bay area of California, offer a Holistic Concierge program to promote your cognitive and overall long-term health.

What impacts cognitive health

A range of factors influence cognitive health, including age, environment, lifestyle, and genetics. Challenging experiences, such as infection, brain injury, or enduring intense or chronic stress, can also impact cognition.

When your cognitive health is strong, you’re more likely to experience positive moods, cultivate fulfilling relationships, and take care of work and home tasks with ease. 

However, when your cognitive health declines, virtually all areas of your life are impacted. It may even be challenging to assess that you need support or treatment or to feel as though you have the mental energy to make those efforts. In other words, poor cognitive health can make way for worsening issues. 

Holistic approaches that improve cognitive health

While you can’t change your genetics, you can take steps to boost your cognitive health in other ways. Examples of helpful holistic strategies, which go beyond things like medication alone, include:

  • Dietary changes, such as switching to a nutritious plant-based diet
  • Improved exercise habits, such as taking up tai chi or yoga
  • Testosterone therapy if you’re dealing with an imbalance
  • Improved sleep habits, such as limiting caffeine and going to bed at routine times
  • Activities that challenge your brain, such as puzzles or learning new skills

A holistic program generally involves multiple strategies. So, rather than merely changing your diet, your plan will likely address other lifestyle habits and any medical conditions you’re dealing with.

What our Holistic Concierge program includes

Our Holistic Concierge program at Kane Health starts with a diagnostic evaluation so our experts can formulate the specifics. You’ll have additional assessments periodically to make sure you’re on the right track. While the particulars may vary, our programs generally include:

  • One-on-one access to men’s health physician, Dr. Chris Threatt
  • Coordination with additional top medical specialists
  • Personalized medications micro-dosed according to your body chemistry
  • Access to our functional nutritionist plus a customized meal plan

In addition to improved cognitive health through our program, you can expect optimized sexual health, a reduced risk for chronic diseases, stronger immune function, less body fat, and increased muscle mass.

To learn more about our Holistic Concierge program or get started toward better cognitive health, call our office or request an appointment through our website today.